The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Felix Namuhoranye, on Friday, June 23, presided over the pass out of 123 Police officers, who completed the first intake of ‘Police Basic Criminal…
Rwanda police
Police Senior Command Symposium Starts with Focus On Justice for Sustainable Peace
by KT Press Reporter 2:27 pmThe Police symposium on peace, security and justice started on Thursday, June 15, at the National Police College (NPC) in Musanze District as experts in various fields including scholars, policymakers,…
The Prime Minister of Central African Republic (CAR), Felix Moloua awarded certificates to officers of Rwanda Protection Support Unit (RWAPSU) in recognition of their professional and dedicated service to ensure…
Rwanda Police in South Sudan Donates Scholastic Materials to Primary Schools
by Yedidiya Tuyisenge 1:39 pmThe Rwanda Formed Police Unit One (RWAFPU1-7) deployed in Malakal, Upper Nile State under the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), provided scholastic materials to displaced pupils of two primary…
DIGP Ujeneza In Poland for International Police Conference
by KT Press Reporter 5:35 amThe Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) in charge of Administration and Personnel, Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza, is in Poland, where she is attending the International Police Conference. The two-day conference…
The Rwanda National Police (RNP) Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime (ASOC) department, on Friday April 21, busted a house in Rukiri village, Kabeza cell of Kanombe sector, Kicukiro District which was…
Rwandan Police Officer Named ‘Best Contingent Commander’ in Central African Republic
by KT Press Reporter 12:32 pmThe Police component of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) has named Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Vincent B. Habintwari as the ‘Best Contingent Commander.’…
Rwanda’s Police Spokesperson CP John Bosco Kabera, has sent a serious warning to the youth who run from their home villages to urban centres, turning into thugs. He said they…
Rwanda national Police has emerged the overall winner in the just concluded Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO) in Kigali. In the competition that commenced on March 21st, 2023…
Rwanda won gold in shooting category held at the Counter Terrorism Training Centre (CTTC) in Mayange, Bugesera District. Shooting is one of the 13 sports disciplines at the ongoing 4th…
UN Awards Service Medals to 320 Rwandan Police Peacekeepers In CAR
by KT Press Reporter 7:16 pmThe UN has awarded service medals to 320 Rwandan Police peacekeepers serving in its Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) in recognition of their contribution to peace,…
The Rwanda national Police will from March 21 through March 27 host the 4th edition of Inter Force competition of East Africa police (EAPCCO) games. This year’s competition will attract…