Rwanda has received important meetings, hosting important people like never before. It makes sense because the country was also ready than ever before. The meetings were interchanged with unique…
Goodbye 2016
2016: 15 Years of Engaging, Educating, Empowering Communities with Imbuto Foundation
by Kalinda Brenda 5:54 pmThis year, Imbuto Foundation marked its 15th anniversary. For over a decade, the foundation has supported and empowered thousands of vulnerable Rwandan communities through health, education, youth and economic empowerment…
Goodbye 2016
2016 – Thousands of Kids Out of School, Hundreds of Officials in Trouble
by Denyse Tuyishime 6:54 pm$1.4m for Girinka While Rwandans celebrated festive seasons with new resolutions for 2017, some, mostly the needy, kept praising Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF). On December 5, members of the…
Goodbye 2016
2016: 48 New Mining Licences Despite Falling Global Prices, Cable Car On Course
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 6:36 pm2016 will be memorable in Rwandan investment sector for it has been a year that saw groundbreaking and inauguration of landmark infrastructures after years of stalling. At some point, the…
Extraditions Rwanda’s Justice Sector had an extra-ordinary year 2016. One of the most memorable events is twin of extradition. For the first time, Rwanda received twin extradition cases of Jean-Baptiste…
The year 2016 was ground breaking for Rwanda’s energy sector. KT Press reviews major deals that shaped the year to enable Rwanda to glimpse into producing 563MW of electricity by…