Rwanda’s veteran athlete Disi Dieudonné and his family have said that they received with shock news of a court case that was halted and filed pending further investigation while the…
Jean de la Croix Tabaro
Ooh Rayon! Will Former and Current Leaders Ever Shake Hands To Revive Rayon Sports FC?
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 12:40 amGikundiro for some, Gasenyi for others depending on the preferred vantage point, or simply Rayon Sports for those who have nothing much to do with football fanaticism, is a local…
Genocide Suspect Found In A Pit Where He Hid for Twenty Three Years
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 2:54 pmThe Rwanda Investigation Bureau(RIB) in Nyanza district, Southern Province has arrested two Emmanuel Ntarindwa 51, a genocide suspect who claim to “have killed many Tutsi” in Busasamana, Nyanza sector during…
Rwanda Decides 2024
Paul Kagame Delivers His Application for Presidential Candidature to National Electoral Commission
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 11:29 amThe National Electoral Commission(NEC) has today started to receive files of prospective candidates for presidency in the July 14-15 presidential and parliamentary elections. The Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) Inkotanyi flag…
Pro-Femmes Twese Hamwe’s ‘VIBE’ to Transform Lives of SMES In Agriculture Value Chain
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 12:42 amPro-Femmes Twese Hamwe, an Umbrella of Rwandan Civil Society Organizations aiming at the advancement of women’s status, peace, and development has introduced to the public a five year project that…
Rwanda Decides 2024
NEC To Consider Eight Prospective Candidates for Presidency, Forty Independent Parliamentary Candidates
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 3:03 pmThe National Electoral Commission(NEC) received eight files from people who expressed their interest to contest for presidency and over 40 from people seeking to contest in the Parliamentary elections, Oda…
Rwanda Decides 2024
Rwanda Presidential and Parliamentary Elections Estimated to Cost Only Rwf 8.5bn
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 4:27 pmThe budget for the July 15 presidential and parliamentary election is slightly above Rwf eight billion financed by the government of Rwanda a hundred per cent, has said the chairperson…
Some nine civil servants from the local government have stepped down in Rusizi district citing personal reasons, according to the District Mayor Dr. Anicet Kibiriga. They include Jean Pierre Mugenzi…
Seasoned Politician, Lawmaker Eugene Barikana Arrested Over Illegal Possession of Firearms
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 10:48 pmThe Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) has arrested Eugene Barikana, a member of Parliament from the lower chamber over illegal possession of arms. A communique available on RIB Twitter handle indicates…
The National Electoral Commission(NEC) has so far registered more than 9.5 million Rwandans on voter list who are ready for the presidential and parliamentary elections of July 15, 2024. Rwandans…
NationalRwanda Decides 2024
RPF Members Reflect on Party’s Achievements As They Prepare Presidential, Parliamentary Elections
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 10:40 pmGrassroots leaders of Rwanda Patriotic Front(RPF) Inkotanyi today gathered members in their respective villages to present party achievements in the last seven years and to remind them their responsibility as…
More Condoms Please – Workers in Rwamagana Mining Company Request
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 1:19 pmIn Eastern Province of Rwanda, workers of Trinity Metals Group, a mining company wit hundreds men and women who spend a good part of their week in search of minerals…