The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Felix Namuhoranye, on Friday, June 23, presided over the pass out of 123 Police officers, who completed the first intake of ‘Police Basic Criminal…
KT Press Reporter
American rapper Onika Tanya Maraj-Pretty a.k.a Nicki Minaj has disclosed how famous artiste Lil Wayne inspired her to embrace plastic surgery to increase her body parts. In a conversation that…
Some European countries have blamed current inflation on the concerts of the renowned artiste Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter. In May, Beyoncé started promoting her latest album, the “Renaissance”, with a tour…
Police Senior Command Symposium Starts with Focus On Justice for Sustainable Peace
by KT Press Reporter 2:27 pmThe Police symposium on peace, security and justice started on Thursday, June 15, at the National Police College (NPC) in Musanze District as experts in various fields including scholars, policymakers,…
Featured: Social Media, A New Approach to Promote Rights for Women And Girls Living With HIV In Rwanda
by KT Press Reporter 11:56 amSince August 2022, Rwanda Network of People Living with HIV / AIDS (RRP+) in collaboration with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN) initiated…
The Prime Minister of Central African Republic (CAR), Felix Moloua awarded certificates to officers of Rwanda Protection Support Unit (RWAPSU) in recognition of their professional and dedicated service to ensure…
Agahozo Shalom Director Named Finalist for Africa Education Medal
by KT Press Reporter 2:47 pmJean Claude Nkulikiyimfura, the Executive Director of the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV) in Rwanda, has been named finalist for the 2023 Africa Education Medal. This prestigious award celebrates individuals who…
The ;Fall of gods’ is a fictional story of a pastoral rich man who mistook the fact that he could buy love when she met the ‘Mubari Princess Muganwa’. However,…
The China Road and Bridge Cooperation (CRBC) has joined government efforts to rescue and support Rwandan citizens who were affected by severe floods and landslides this week. Heavy flooding and…