In the East African Community (EAC), poverty remains a persistent challenge, despite the region’s cultural diversity and natural resources. The 2024 EAC Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), published this week by…
KT Press Team
Heads of State and government are all converged in New York for the 73rd UN General Assembly (UNGA). Since September 23, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda has had a busy…
This September 2018, students all over Rwanda are a few weeks into the 3rd and last term of the academic year. But back in 1993, September was beginning of the…
Obasanjo Names Baby Gorilla after Self
by Oswald Niyonzima &by Oswald Niyonzima & 1:58 pmFormer President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo, changed history during the Kwita Izina – the annual gorilla naming ceremony in Rwanda, when he named a baby gorilla after his middle name.…
Around 1980, an incident happened in Gasiza village of Nyundo cell in the current Nyabihu district. Thirty-eight years later, nobody ever imagined it would come back to haunt the region…
[nextpage] They have grown businesses from scratch. They have dismantled the “men’s world” myth. Some have done things men cannot. Their talents make them forces to be reckoned with when…
A group of Rwandan exiles under their umbrella “Jambo ASBL” has provoked angry reaction in Belgium after they were granted permission to hold an event at parliament to discuss what…
In July last year, a convoy of SUVs from Kigali arrived at Kabeza trading centre, Ndatemwa cell, Kiziguro sector in Gatsibo district. The speeding convoy with tinted window glasses branched…