“The Government of Rwanda today notified the Government of Belgium of its decision to sever diplomatic relations, effective immediately. Rwanda’s decision has been taken after careful consideration of several factors, all linkedl with Belgium’s pitiful attempts to sustain its neocolonial delusions,” Rwanda’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said.
All Belgian diplomatic corps were also given 48hrs to leave Rwanda.
The severing of diplomatic ties comes just hours after President Paul Kagame addressed Rwandans at a citizens’ outreach event, urging them to stand firm in the fight for their rights. He also vowed to take decisive action regarding the longstanding Rwanda-Belgium relationship, which he accused of being marked by Belgium’s relentless efforts to undermine Rwanda for over 30 years.
On March 16, Kagame warned Belgium against interfering in Rwanda’s progress, accusing the country of scapegoating Rwanda for the issues in the DR Congo and conspiring to impose sanctions. He also reminded Belgium of its colonial past, which he argued is the root cause of the region’s ongoing challenges.
“Fasten your seatbelts. Brace yourselves for a battle for your rights. We must fight for our rights. We have a cause worth fighting for,” Kagame said in Kiswahili, referring to the recent aggressive attacks on Rwanda over the DRC crisis.
“Belgium destroyed our country and our people for over 30 years of our history, and they still want to kill even those who survived. We warned the Belgians before, and we will warn them again this time,” President Kagame said, commenting on the colonial powers that continue to target Rwanda to this day.
Kagame also remarked that Rwanda’s misfortune was being colonised by a small country like Belgium, which divided the nation in ways that reflected its own internal divisions.
“We want to be Rwandans, not Belgians. I remind Rwandans who have not yet embraced this concept that we must cleanse ourselves of their influence and forget them,” he said while addressing more than 8,000 residents of Kigali, members of the diplomatic corps, and citizen representatives from other provinces at BK Arena on Sunday.
This statement follows Rwanda’s recent decision to temporarily suspend relations with Belgium after the latter accused Rwanda of being responsible for the ongoing crisis in eastern DRC. The announcement further stated:
“Belgium has taken sides in the regional conflict and continues to systematically mobilise against Rwanda in various forms, using lies and manipulation to create an unjustified hostile opinion of Rwanda, with the aim of destabilising both Rwanda and the wider region.”