The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) boss, Omar Munyaneza, told parliamentarians that the agency is shifting its services to curb rampant bribery.
“New customers who want water delivered to their homes and those who want more than one water meter in a homestead will have to apply online instead. We want to reduce physical interactions to reduce bribery,” Munyaneza told parliamentarians on Monday, 14th January 2025.
The Chief Executive Officer appeared before the members of the Committee on Governance Affairs and Gender who wanted to know about reports of failed water deliveries for both home and farm consumption and reports of rampant bribery in WASAC.
Munyaneza says that this system called ‘New Connection’ will be sharing information with top WASAC officials, indicating when a person requested a meter and who delayed it.
WASAC is also employing smart meters that send information on water usage to officials without necessarily going to a customer’s residence.
“We will be sending text messages to our clients that show you how much money they owe WASAC, or a client can monitor their water usage on our online portal by entering a meter number and see how much they owe in water consumption,” he said.
Currently, WASAC is collecting data that links customers to smart meters where everything will be digitally calculated and controlled, according to Munyaneza.
Another system they are working on is called ‘SCADA software’ which will help WASAC to detect breaks in the water supply system.
“We want to completely remove chances of physical interaction between our staff and clients. Instead of calling us about where water pipes broke, we will be seeing it ourselves without digital water surveillance,” he explained.
In a study conducted by Transparency International Rwanda and the ombudsman on corruption and injustice, WASAC came among the most corrupt institutions.
WASAC also implored the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) to provide room for immediate suspension of WASAC staff who are found to be corrupt.
“All employees know that within 48 hours, a staff who received bribery can get suspended,” he said.
All the digital measures will be implemented before the end of this year, apart from the SCADA Software which is still undergoing several reviews and studies.