Kigali, Africa’s greenest city
The greenest, cleanest city of Africa, Kigali is planning to go even greener.
In a press conference, the city mayor Samuel Dusengiyumva this afternoon said, that they are keen to environment protection and this include planting more trees. An estimate 3 million trees will be planted in the next five years.
The city estimates that more than 90% of idle places will have to be redeveloped into gardens to increase city beautification.
In this context of clean environment, the mayor said, that the city is encouraging city dwellers to buy electric and hybrid cars which will reduce pollution.
Mayor Dusengiyumva said, that the trees will include fruit trees, but also environmental trees.
Once a tree is planted, said the mayor, it becomes a property of the city which should be safeguarded by everyone.
In this context, cutting a tree or damaging it, can attract the fine of between Rwf 100,000 and Rwf 1 million.
“We can only cut a tree if it is necessary,” mayor Dusengiyumva said.
Among other projects of environment conservation, five marshlands will be redeveloped into green areas. Five marshlands are included in this projects which will look more or less like Nyandungu ecopark.
Those include Rwampala, Rugenge rw’intare, Nyabugogo, Kibumba and Gikondo.