Home Events African Agricultural Researchers Meet in Kigali Over Biotechnology Agenda

African Agricultural Researchers Meet in Kigali Over Biotechnology Agenda

by Daniel Sabiiti
11:53 am

 Leading agricultural researchers from nine African countries have gathered in Kigali, Rwanda, this week for a strategic dialogue on biotechnology research in Africa’s agricultural and food systems.

The assembly convened experts from Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique, and Ethiopia to address the critical challenges facing Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) on the continent and the impact on the Africa’s agricultural and food systems.

The meeting was held under the theme “Strategic Dialogue on Biotechnology Research in Africa’s Agricultural Systems,” the meeting served as a high-level platform to address key bottlenecks impeding STI development in Africa.

The researchers observed that Africa is a wealthy continent, endowed with all the necessary resources for social and economic transformation but limited investment in STI has hindered the continent’s ability to fully utilize STI tools for development.

However, researchers acknowledged efforts by the African Union Commission (AUC) Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA 2024) that aims at advancing the continent’s capabilities.

Dr. Canisius Kanangire, Executive Director, AATF, underscored the role of researchers in addressing food insecurity in Africa and called for collaboration among African scientists to advance cross-learning on research, regulation and commercialization.

“African farmers are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Researchers have the potential to help them increase productivity by using tools and adopting appropriate technologies, such as biotechnology, for better production,” Kanangire stated.

Kanangire recommended the need for political support and resource mobilization, including from the private sector, to fund research relevant to Africa’s development. He called for a stronger linkage between research and policy, urging researchers to focus on applied research that drives sustainable development and real change in their communities.

Dr. Florence Uwamahoro, Deputy Director General, the Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB), echoed the sentiments on the importance of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in maximizing agriculture’s potential for sustainable development.

“We need to continue to educate our farmers and communities on the scientific facts about technology and address myths and propaganda against technology. OFAB Rwanda will play a critical role in changing people’s perceptions”, Uwamahoo said.

“Depoliticizing research and development is crucial for harnessing STI, including modern biotechnology,” the researchers stated.

They cited countries like the USA, Brazil, Argentina, China, and South Africa, which have successfully utilized biotechnology for development. The researchers called for biotechnology research and development to be treated as a national priority for development and the need to ‘Africanize’ biotechnology.

Participants identified several critical issues, including the need for strengthened political goodwill, an enabling policy and regulatory environment, domestic investment in biotechnology, strengthened human capacities, and enhanced infrastructure and resources for advancing biotechnology research and development.

The meeting produced recommendations for advancing STI in Africa, urging governments to prioritize biotechnology to address the continent’s pressing agricultural challenges.

The meeting recommended strengthening research-industry linkages by enhancing collaboration between research institutions and industry by refocusing efforts on biotechnology commercialization.

Beyond the traditional Public-Private Partnerships, the meeting recommended the need for a framework that plows back benefits for further reinvestment in the national technology ecosystem. Additionally, there was a consensus on the need to support youth with interest in science because, “we cannot imagine a future, without science” investment in science, and technology is strategic for Africa.

To ensure sustainable investment in STI, there is need for political leadership to understand the role of STI in national development. African political leaders have a pivotal role in transforming the biotechnology landscape on the continent. To ensure that Africa leapfrogs biotechnology development the following recommendations were drawn from the convening:

Prioritization of biotechnology: Governments should increase budget allocations for research and development by ensuring implementation of 2% of GDP as stipulated in Agenda 2063. This investment will empower local scientists to drive the biotechnology agenda.

Creation of enabling environments: Political leaders must establish and enforce policies, regulations, and frameworks that create a conducive environment for biotechnology investment. This includes engaging with local communities and stakeholders to ensure that biotech initiatives address local challenges and priorities.

Strategic investment in human capacity and infrastructure: There is a need for focused investment in building human capacity, developing infrastructure, and enhancing regulatory frameworks. These investments will provide the foundation needed for sustained progress in biotechnology.

Promotion of Intellectual Property and commercialization: Leaders should support the development of genetically engineered (GE) technologies within Africa, harmonize breeders’ rights, and prioritize the commercialization of biotech products. Establishing start-ups along the food value chains and creating demand for biotechnology are also critical steps.

Enhancing Capacity of Academia: The need to enhance infrastructure and capacities that not only allows them to research with a possibility to commercialize their research outcomes to address national challenges.

The recommendations will be presented at the Ministerial Roundtable to be convened by AATF and AFS during the Africa Food System and Forum on 3 September 2024 at Kigali Convention Centre next week.

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