Home Rwanda Decides 2024 Poverty, Ignorance and Diseases Are Now History Like Those Who Perpetuated Them – Kagame to Gicumbi Supporters

Poverty, Ignorance and Diseases Are Now History Like Those Who Perpetuated Them – Kagame to Gicumbi Supporters

Poverty, Ignorance and Diseases Are Now History

by Jean de la Croix Tabaro
3:43 pm

The flag-bearer of Rwanda Patriotic Front(RPF) Inkotanyi in the July Presidential elections Paul Kagame has today rallied the Gicumbi supporters who were gathered in dozens of thousands at Gicumbi stadium.

Kagame spoke after several testimonies from natives of Gicumbi and other districts of Burera and Rulindo who praised him for giving them development projects like Green Gicumbi which is all about environmental protection and promotion of agriculture.

They praised the candidate for one cow one family program which promoted livestock rearing in Gicumbi, now the leading district in dairy production.

The region is also plenty of tea and coffee which, according to farmers, are earning farmers several international accolades due to their good tastes.

Gicumbi is the place where the first RPF headquarters were installed in the middle of the liberation struggle, back in 1992. The residents told Kagame that they have strong bonds with the party, which protected them during the struggle and proceeded with development activities in the wake of the liberation struggle, and onward.

The chairman said, that “RPF’s leadership style is that of security, safety and inclusive development”

“In RPF, we don’t exclude anyone, but we work together,” he said and this was earlier on part of a testimony of one Agnes Mukabaranga, the leader of Centrist Democratic Party(PDC).

Kagame further said that the country is striving for development and added; “poverty, ignorance and disease have gone with those who perpetuated them.”

This was in reference to the genocidal government which planed and executed the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi. RPF stopped the Genocide and removed the government on July 4,1994.

Kagame said, that the country has achieved a lot, but he added:”More good things are yet to come.”

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