Home Rwanda Decides 2024 “You Are Our Choice, ‘C’est Tout”-Ngororero Supporters Tell Presidential Candidate Paul Kagame

“You Are Our Choice, ‘C’est Tout”-Ngororero Supporters Tell Presidential Candidate Paul Kagame

by Jean de la Croix Tabaro
12:53 pm

Excitement is high at Ngororero stadium where presidential candidate of the Rwanda Patriotic Front(RPF) Inkotanyi, incumbent Paul Kagame joined them.

The candidate, very conversant with the supporters understanding him really well and him understanding them shared a strong speech of confidence of Rwanda, a country that grew from the ash to glory, a country with its own democratic choice.

But before taking the floor, a campaign manager of the site Valerie Nyirahabineza, a seasoned politician, agreeing with supporters insisted: “It’s you and only you, C’est tout(that’s it).”

She even went ahead to propose that the supporters should already follow the candidate’s manifesto, “en avant, marche!”, or to mean, “let’s go!”

The excited supporters told the candidate that indeed, they cannot leave you and said :” We have strong bonds with you.”

“We shall vote for you and again and again!” they sung as the candidate left the stage.

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