Home Rwanda Decides 2024 Rwanda Is Not A Small Country – Kagame To Muhanga Residents

Rwanda Is Not A Small Country – Kagame To Muhanga Residents

by Jean de la Croix Tabaro
4:27 pm

Presidential Candidate of the Rwanda Patriotic Front(RPF) Inkotanyi, the incumbent Paul Kagame has winded up his third day in campaign to Muhanga district in the Southern province.

As it was the case in previous site of Musanze, Rubavu and Ngororero, Kagame was received by a mammoth crowd from Muhanga, Ruhango and Kamonyi districts who praised him for his development know-how.

Rose Mureshyankwano, a senator at Rwanda Parliament and former governor of the Southern Province was the campaign manager at this site located in Shyogwe sector.

She reminded plenty of development achievements the three districts have managed, courtesy of Kagame’s good leadership.

The candidate himself, when he took the floor, expressed his confidence in his supporters whom he said, they contributed to all those that the country is achieving.

With its Superficy of 26,338 km², Kagame said that Rwanda is not small.

“Someone said that we should multiply, and I totally agree with them, but this just means that we should continue to grow and become a greater community,” Kagame said.

“People think that Rwanda is small in superficy, but in RPF policy, Rwanda is not small to its citizens however much they can be.”

 The candidate referred to an old policy of the country during the past regimes, which suggested that refugees should not repatriate because they did not have space in Rwanda and said it is no longer the case.

“The RPF policy changed that. None should be a refugee, be it today and in the next twenty years, whatever the number, we shall fit in this country of ours,” he further said.

Kagame believes, that for all the citizens to fit in the country whatever the number, there is a cost; working, together and smartly and prosper the country.

“If Rwanda has  people with skills, people who do trade with the world with exports and imports…, the people who prosper the country, they no wonder fit in this country. That’s RPF policy,that’s where we are taking you,” Kagame told thousands of supporters in Muhanga.

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