Home Rwanda Decides 2024 “Kagame Saved Us From Discrimination And Isolation”- Muslim Community In Nyarugenge

“Kagame Saved Us From Discrimination And Isolation”- Muslim Community In Nyarugenge

1:29 pm

RPF flag bearer, the incumbent Paul Kagame

After three days up country, the flag bearer  of the Rwanda Patriotic Front(RPF) Inkotanyi, the incumbent Paul Kagame has returned to the capital city.

The presidential candidate who is so far the most popular among the three campaigners when you follow the number of supporters in sites, today convened thousands in Rugarama sector.

Nyarugenge, including Nyamirambo is home to communities of Muslims who told the candidate, that he freed them from discrimination.

Taking the floor to say it all was Sheikh Musa Fazili Harelimana, a lawmaker from the 5th parliament which was dissolved this month.

After some dances of female muslims, Fazili shared the story of their discrimination starting from 1963 under President Glegoire Kayibanda who abolished any islamic practice since December 24,1963, a legacy that was sustained by his successors.

However, the incumbent Kagame returned the muslims’ dignity in May 1995.

“I remember that time we were at the Islamic Centre, commonly known as Kwa Khadaffi. His Excellency Kagame was still vice president and he joined us,” rcalls Fazili, a seasoned politician.

“The Coran was read by a Major in Rwanda Patriotic Army. Can you imagine? And that time, his excellency Kagame asked: why don’t we have national days from the muslims?”

Fazili recalls that from that time, Eid al-Fitr was restored and then was followed by Eid al adha which are national days celebrated in Rwanda annually.

“Your excellency Paul Kagame, the Mufti of Rwanda has suggested that we celebrate that 30th anniversary of the restoration of our rights in May next year,” Fazili said.

In a deep speech with several revelations, the President of Ideal Democratic Party(PDI) which was born as a muslim party but later on changed to be an inclusive party, Fazili said his party endorsed RPF candidate whom he, after all called ‘Baba wa Taifa’ or Father of the Nation(Rwanda).

Fazili shares his opinion about Kagame with the rest of the Muslims.

“Kagame respects our religion; he has given us the freedom to pray and worship without limitations,” Rehema Nyirabuhoro said.

Nyirabuhoro would like to have Kagame for the next five years where he would create more jobs for the elderly who are enjoying peace and security but need improved welfare and incomes.

Shariffa Tuyisenge, 32, says that Kagame is like a parent to the Muslim community because he restored value to the Islamic community.

Meanwhile, Fazili praised Kagame for having started the liberation battle at a very sensitive time of his life because he was shortly married.

Futhermore, Fazili enumerated several development achievements of the incumbent who minds a lot the life of the poor.

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