Home NewsNational I Have Come To Thank You, Not To Ask for Your Votes – Kagame to Northern Province Supporters

I Have Come To Thank You, Not To Ask for Your Votes – Kagame to Northern Province Supporters

by Jean de la Croix Tabaro
1:42 pm

RPF flag bearer Paul Kagame

The RPF Inkotanyi Presidential candidate Paul Kagame has told supporters from the Northern Province that his visit to Musanze is not aimed to seek votes, but to thank them because they have come a long way together.

At Busogo ground in Musanze district, thousands supporters from Musanze, Burera and Nyabihu districts gathered today since early morning to hear what the candidate has in stock for them.

Kagame reached the campaign venue accompanied with First Lady Jeannette Kagame towards lunch time and was received by the cheering mammoth crowd.

“I have come to thank you, not to ask for your votes,” the candidate said in his speech. “After all, isn’t it that you asked me to be into this? Then how can you abandon me?”

The candidate however told the supporters that it is fine for them to follow their hearts if they have an alternative without hiding that however, that he is a candidate who never deceived them.

“All the tasks you gave to me, I fulfilled to the expectations, but for all that I did not achieve, you may agree that we share the responsibility,” he said.

“In this context, you cannot blame me alone. The good things we achieved, we were together, and our failures if any, I share them with you.”

Kagame said, that he wants to work together with his supporters to share the even greater things ahead.

The candidate is campaigning at a time where the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) is threatening to sabotage Rwanda’s security and prosperity, with their president going on record to say that he would change the leadership in Rwanda.

“We have no reason to fear, because nothing worse can happen to Rwanda,” the candidate said amid huge applause.

Kagame further agreed with the supporters who said, that Musanze, is walking in the footstep of the capital Kigali as a secondary city and said that, after all it is the direction his party wants to give to all secondary cities of the country.

There are in Rwanda eight secondary cities and Musanze is allegedly to be on top of them given tourism potentials. It is the home to the volcano national park, the home for rare mountain gorillas.

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