Home NewsNational Day 3: Excited Ngororero Residents Upbeat To Welcome RPF-Inkotanyi Candidate

Day 3: Excited Ngororero Residents Upbeat To Welcome RPF-Inkotanyi Candidate

by Edmund Kagire
10:01 am

Thousands of Ngororero residents thronged the district stadium as early as 3am, to wait for the RPF Inkotanyi candidate.

After Rubavu district, the ruling party Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) is set to hold another mammoth rally in Ngororero district where excited residents began to access the campaign ground as early as 3am, ready to welcome the incumbent, President Paul Kagame, who is campaigning for the forthcoming July Presidential elections.

President Kagame, who is also the RPF-Inkotanyi chairman, will on the third day of the campaigns address rallies in Ngororero in Western Province and Muhanga district, in the Southern Province.

In Ngororero district, where he will stop first, thousands of people turned up in the wee hours of the morning, draped in white, blue, black and red, the colours of the ruling party, expressing their excitement and anticipation to receive the RPF-Inkotanyi candidate, who they say they will support all the way.

It is a party mood in Ngororero.

Kagame will address the residents at Ngororero Stadium where residents say will show him support for transforming the district which used to be one of the remotest, among other things citing improved security, roads, water, electricity, schools and modernising agriculture as some of the benefits they have enjoyed under the RPF rule.

Emmanuel Seturatsinze, a resident of Hindiro sector in Ngororero said he woke up at 3am and went to make his way to the campaign ground so that he does miss out on the opportunity to express his support to President Kagame for the district which was once prone to insecurity caused by infiltrators in the period that followed the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

“We came to express our support because of what he has delivered to us. He gave us roads that connect the sectors, so that our produce can reach the market. He has given us schools where our children don’t only study but they are also fed, with a small contribution for us,” he said, in reference to the school feeding programme.

“Paul Kagame gave us electricity and water. The youth are able to be self-employed. We have a lot to thank him for, much more than that. We have a safe and secure country. The people of Ngororero have enjoyed peace and security under him,” Seturatsinze said


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