Home Rwanda Decides 2024 Day 3: Biruta Reiterates PSD’s Support For RPF-Inkotanyi Candidate

Day 3: Biruta Reiterates PSD’s Support For RPF-Inkotanyi Candidate

by Edmund Kagire
1:12 pm


Dr. Biruta reiterated PSD’s support for RPK-Inkotanyi candidate, Paul Kagame.

Dr. Vincent Biruta, the president of Social Democratic Party (PSD), one of the parties backing incumbent President Paul Kagame in the July 15 elections, reiterated his party’s position, pointing out that the decision was backed by the desire to ensure continuity.

Addressing hundreds of thousands of Ngororero residents, in the Western Province district, Dr. Biruta said that PSD’s decision was informed by the achievements registered under the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) government and the desire to continue on that path.

“PSD supporters are proud to have convened in a national congress and made an important choice. Their choice was to support you, President Paul Kagame. It is not a difficult task to highlight the achievements we’ve registered under him,” Biruta said, pointing out that Kagame turned Rwanda, a country he was deprived of as a child, into a country of all Rwandans.

“He has been fighting to liberate Rwanda since his childhood. He strived to ensure that all Rwandans who were in exile return to their country. He dislikes injustice and he worked to unite Rwandans to become one and that is why PSD as a party was formed in the first place -to unite all Rwandans and ensure their socioeconomic wellbeing, in their country,” Dr. Biruta said.

Dr. Biruta said that under President Kagame, Rwanda has achieved a lot over the past three decades, overcoming even some of the most difficult huddles, some of which were seen as impossible.

Dr. Biruta said under President Kagame, Rwanda has achieved a lot.

“As PSD, we made the right choice and picked a candidate who is a leader; a leader who is loved by many in and outside the country, a leader who set out to transform the country, a leader who gave us cows and milk, a leader who made us food secure, a leader who got us out of divisions and united us into one,” Biruta said, citing more achievements in gender equality, health and education.

Among other things, Dr. Biruta said that President Kagame has been at the forefront of defending Rwanda on all fronts, even amidst external powers and influences that would have wished to see the country take a different path.

Dr. Biruta, who also serves as the Minister of Interior, from his previous docket as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, said that PSD members, like most Rwandans, know what is good for the country and cannot allow those who would wish to destabilise the country to have their way.

In his speech, Kagame, who is seeking reelection on an RPF-Inkotanyi, said that Rwandans, including through their political organisations, have the right to determine what is good for them, including political parties coming together to support each other for a common cause- and that is true democracy.

Responding to chants from Ngororero residents that they will vote him 100 percent, the RPF-Inkotanyi Chairman addressed those who question the percentages from elections that true democracy should be seen in people coming together to take one common stand, rather than situations where people score 30 percent of a vote and that is what is considered as democracy.

The incumbent, who is vying against Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGRP) and Philippe Mpayimana, an independent candidate, said that people’s choices must be respected, promising residents of Ngororero that their support and loyalty will be rewarded with more achievements over the next years, adding that he will return in the near future to be accountable to them.

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