Home Rwanda Decides 2024 Can You Abandon Me? – Kagame Rallies Musanze Mammoth Crowds

Can You Abandon Me? – Kagame Rallies Musanze Mammoth Crowds

by Daniel Sabiiti
4:38 pm

RPF flag bearer Paul Kagame kicks off presidential campaign in Musanze

The presidential candidate of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) Inkotanyi and coalition, Paul Kagame has opened his 2024 election campaign trail with a mammoth crowd of supporters dressed in blue, black and red t-shirts, baseball caps and carrying waving flags.

Musanze district is one of the swing regions where residents have in the past elections backed the RPF with large crowds rallying behind the party candidates.

Ahead of Day 1 of the Musanze campaign, held this June 22 at Busogo UR Campus ground, residents spent the night in high gear preparing to rally behind the RPF coalition candidate and sung and danced party songs throughout the night and many were at the campaign site as early as 3AM.

Kagame arrived at the site amidst loud applauds and reminded Rwandans of their history, 30 years before and 30 years after the genocide against Tutsi.

Part of the history, the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi left the worst memories ever, but Rwandans’ resilience is what has changed it 30 years ago.

“We want to put our life to greater heights. This is the zeal of RPF- to change that history, you, me and others,” Kagame told Musanze supporters who were joined by Nyabihu and Burera residents.

Kagame blamed some countries and societies which seek to sustain criticism on Rwanda’s Democracy and said that the country has made a resolve to choose the best leadership path and none has right to dictate their own.

“They don’t have a right to choose for others because no one chooses for them. The uniqueness of Rwanda is being able to choose. Our choice is none of their business,” Kagame said in reference.

Kagame added that what concerns him, is nothing other than being a Rwandan and to a bigger extent being a leader to the Rwandans.

After all, he said, it is an easy task to be a leader of Rwandans since they play a role in country development.

“It is easy to be your leader. We work together to resolve problems and in the hardest moments you remain patient,” Kagame said.

The RPF flag bearer, Kagame said that despite being a candidate, the most important is not to seek votes from them, but he had come to thank supporters who already expressed their will to have him for presidency.

“I have come to thank you, not to ask for your votes,” the candidate said in his speech. “After all, isn’t it that you asked me to be into this? How can you abandon me?”

“I have fulfilled the task you gave me, but for all that I did not achieve, you may agree that we share the responsibility,” he said.

The candidate reminded the supporters, that they share credit for the good things the country achieved,but in whatever they failed to achieve, they also share responsibility, thus, the blame cannot be placed on him alone.

Kagame urged Rwandans to wisely vote for their next leader and remain confident of a better future.

Kagame said that to attain future development, there must be a collective effort; leaders and citizens all contributing equitably.

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