The pit where the remains were found
Workers in engineering activities in Central Business District of Kigali have found remains of twenty one victims of the 1994 Genocide committed against Tutsi.
The remains were found during road construction works in Muhima sector, a place called after Marathon near Nyabugogo Taxi Park. The spot in Tetero cell is adjacent to another one, where 15 remains of the Genocide victims were uncovered late last year.
The bodies, some of which might be identified from the clothes the victims were wearing when they were killed, were found in a pit from the house of one Anicet Abayisenga who died a couple of years ago.
Preliminary information on the remains were shared after the engineering company uncovered one body from the land, which pushed for more search, according to the representative of Genocide Survivors in Muhima sector.
Ibuka, the umbrella of Genocide survivors’ associations requested for the search and more investigation to find information on the victims’ identities.
Among others, family members from the spot will be required to provide information on the victims.
Rwanda is this years in the 30th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide committed against Tutsi where more than one million victims were massacred between April and July 1994.
Thousands of the victims lay to rest in several memorials that were built across the country. However, the country is yet to find the bodies of all the victims because Genocide perpetrators conceal information on their whereabouts.