Home NewsNational Once Upon A Time in Urugwiro Village: A Grandfather, His Granddaughter and Some Bees

Once Upon A Time in Urugwiro Village: A Grandfather, His Granddaughter and Some Bees

by Jean de la Croix Tabaro
7:23 pm

 President Paul Kagame has shared a story of his light moments with his beloved granddaughters who find great pleasure meeting him.

Pa Papa is the name the two granddaughters call President Kagame. At their tender age,the children don’t know much about their grandpa being president, but they are first and foremost interested in the great love he shows them.

In an interview to TV 10 and Royal FM journalists today, the president shared an interesting story of the eldest granddaughter once in a visit at his office, Village Urugwiro.

She once asked her parent to let them come and pay me a visit. They came at my office. Yet, outside this office, the place you can see from the window, there were honey bees. I ordered for a beehive to keep them safe and they started making honey,” the president recalls.

At her visit I showed the granddaughter the bees and she was very much interested, but I told her that we could not go outside because they could sting her.”

The granddaughter returned home, but she would later on have an opportunity to express herself about that experience at Village Urugwiro.

Their family welcomed visitors and she spoke about Pa Papa and one of the guest asked: do you really know him? What does he do?”

To the surprise of the visitors and the family, the granddaughter said “He looks after honey bees.”

While this depiction might explain how the granddaughter has little understanding about the person of the president, on the other side she makes sense of things.

I once went to check on the family, and seeing the emblem of Rwanda on my car she asked: Pa Papa, is this your car? Then I said Yes, before her follow up question: It bears Rwanda Nziza?”

Rwanda Nziza is the National Anthem of Rwanda.

She knows that I am in the Rwanda Nziza matters and this means a lot to her. I very often meet them, and of course they ask questions of children,” Kagame said.

For the records, when president Kagame meets the media, he gives journalists and the general public an opportunity to speak their mind.

A fourteen year student from the Southern Province called, and, knowing that the Head of State is a fan of English Premier League’s Arsenal FC, he gave him the list of the top eleven.

But the child did not stop at that, he advocated for fair selection of football talents in the village.

The president spoke about his day in office where he said that he handles several files which requires his final approval.

This is on top of diplomatic matters and approval of projects which require heavy budget.

He mixes this with audiences and phone calls that come from across the world.

Sometimes people even find me at home after office hours and I proceed with work until late when I have to go to bed,” the president said.

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