Minister of education
The Ministry of education has released the results of national exams for the Advanced Level 2022-2023 where male candidates are leading in performance.
A total of 80,892 students registered for the national exams and 80,525 candidates sat.
Results of national exams were presented in three categories including the General Education, Teacher Training Education and Technical Secondary Schools.
In general education, 48,699 candidates had registered and 48 455 sat, while 46,051 of them who represent 95.4% passed the national exams. Male candidates dominated with 96.8 per cent pass rate compared to 93.6 per cent for girls.

Director General NESA, Bernard Bahati
In Technical Secondary Schools 28,192 candidates registered for the national exams, and 28 070 of them, equivalent to 97.6% sat for the exams. Of them, 27,410 candidates passed the exams.
Males dominated with 97.7% pass rate compared to 97.5% of their girls counterparts.
In Teacher Training College, 4001 students registered for the national exams and only one candidate missed the exams.
Of the 4000 candidates, 3989 which represent 99.7 per cent passed, including 99.7 per cent of girls and 99.6 per cent of girls.
According to the Director General of National Examination and Inspection Authority(NESA) Bernard Bahati, there is room for appeal.
Any appeal is approved by the school director who sends the query to NESA. The appeal is considered within 30 days and the complainants gets feedback within 60 days.
“We use that procedures because schools know better their candidates,” Bahati said.
In the national exams, the aggregate is 60 points while the pass rate is 9 points.