The road connecting the city to Kacyiru-US embassy via Kimicanga
The City of Kigali has encouraged the road users to consider alternative roads that have recently been added into the network to serve the quick growing traffic.
Vice mayor Merarld Mpabwanamaguru who is in charge of infrastructure told the media on September 21, that they are working hard to build more roads across the city, to fight the congestion which largely affects the city during top hours.
“When we build roads, we want the users to consider them as their options. We make awareness of the road through community meeting and media/public announcement. We have those roads that largely use when the main corridors are exclusively open for guests when there is an important meeting in Kigali, or during the car free day-sports. We encourage people to know those alternative roads,” said Vice Mayor Mpabwanamaguru.
The vice mayor gave some new roads that commuters may consider while connecting the central business district to other parts of the capital city.
Those include the road that was build around CHOGM from Kimicanga to Kacyiru, connecting to Kigali Golf Club before plying Nyarutarama road.
“This can help the people who stay in Kimironko, Kibagabaga and Remera, who may not need to use the main-Kigali-Airport road,” said Mpabwanamaguru.
Another alternative connects Controle Technique to Green Hills before reaching again Golf Club to connect to City centre via Kacyiru.
Another road below Sports View connects to Kagara, then Baho Hospital to Ntarutarama.

The golf club belt
In Kicukiro, a road connects Kabeza to Busanza via Mwitunda, which can allow someone to easily connect Busanza or even Kanombe to Kabeza, then Niboye to Kicukiro to end at Sonatubes towards town.
Recently completed also, is the road that connects Kagugu to Utexrwa while another one connects Sonatube to Kabeza via Sahara.
Meanwhile, the city of Kigali is also building neighborhood roads in partnership with citizen, where the city contributes 70% and the citizen, 30% of the total cost.
The city said that they have started expropriation for the road Masizi-Birembo-Gasanze where 700 households who will be affected.
“We are at the phase of paying the expropriation fees,” Mayor Mpabwanamaguru said.
The city further indicated that they are working on projects that connect Kigali to the provinces, including Nyacyonga-Mukoto road.