Minister of Finance Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana showing the budget briefcase before entering the parliament building for budget speech
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in partnership with Collectif des Ligues et Associations de Défense des Droits de l’Homme au Rwanda (CLADHO) this week distributed the fiscal year 2023-24 Citizen Budget Guide.
A Citizen Budget Guide is a simpler, less technical version of the national budget specifically designed to present key information to the public.
The Citizen Budget Guide is prepared and disseminated to increase citizens’ understanding of the national planning and budgeting processes, promote their participation in both the planning and implementation of the selected projects This is in line with the principles of fiscal transparency and accountability, one of the ways through which citizens are made aware of what Government does, hence encouraged to participate in the planning and budgeting process.
“I acknowledge Rwandans for their continuous participation in planning and budgeting process, specifically for this fiscal year 2023/24. I call upon all citizens to effectively participate in budget implementation and monitoring of related programs and projects through their different forums, which highly informs subsequent national planning and budgeting processes,” said Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning.
CLADHO’s Executive Secretary Safari Emmanuel underlined the importance of citizen participation in the budget process noting that as end users, its critical they understand and partake in budget preparation and execution.
Themed around “Accelerating Economic Recovery, Climate Change Mitigation/adaptation and Enhancing Productive Sectors for Improved Livelihood”, the 2023-24 budget demonstrates Rwanda’s commitment to economic recovery from COVID19 pandemic outbreak, safeguarding lives, mitigating climate change effects while conserving environment and enhancing productive sectors for improved livelihood
The guide provides a summary of Rwanda’s economic outlook, tax policy reforms, budget processes and how citizens can participate, key investments to accelerate economic recovery and transformation, the role of different stakeholders.
The 2023-24 Citizen Budget Guide dissemination and distribution marks the 12th time the booklet has been disseminated.