Jean Pierre Ndababonye
Prosecution has requested Muhanga Primary court to sentence to two years in jail Jean Pierre Ndababonye who is famously known as Nyakazehe for involuntary manslaughter of 10 children aged between 9 and 13 years old.
The children drowned in River Nyabarongo while sailing to Ndaro sector, Ngororero district of Western Province.
The incident which happened in the evening of July 17 reportedly involved 13 children comprised between 9 to 13 years who embarked on a boat of one Ndababonye Jean Pierre 41.
The latter was sailing to the opposite shore to bring tiles for his house and he wanted the children to help him pack. The adult with the children survived with three passengers.
According to the prosecution, Ndababonye took the children without the consent of their parents, and embarked them on a boat that was unfit for transport, and lacked safety equipment.
On top of that, said the prosecution, Ndababonye had overloaded the boat by putting aboard 13 passengers, while it had five people carrying capacity.
The prosecution indicated that Ndababonye violated the labor law which provides for forbidden work for children under eighteen and pleaded the court to sentence him to two years in jail.
On his side however, Ndababonye pleaded guilty and apologized before court and the families of the deceased who attended the hearing at the scene of the crime.
He requested for a suspended punishment, but the prosecution maintained that he should be punished and be sent to jail to serve the sentence.
The court will rule on the case on August 15.