At the launch of a five-year Rwanda agriculture transformation strategy, Kigali, August 14
The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has launched a five-year Rwanda agriculture transformation strategy with an increased budget of $50 million to enable the country to become self-sufficient in food systems and competitiveness.
The Rwanda Country Strategy 2023-2027, expected to benefit five million smallholder farmers and over 132,000 youth in the sector was launched this August 14, 2023 in Kigali by AGRA officials alongside the ministry of agriculture and its partners in Rwanda.
AGRA Board Chair, Hailermariam Dessalegn and former Prime Minister of Ethiopia said that there are signs of progress in Rwanda’s agriculture sector, and AGRA is pleased to be part of this journey towards food systems transformation in Rwanda.
Since 2006, AGRA has invested about $20 million in Rwanda, to build the capacity of government and private sector involvement in seed production and distribution.
AGRA has worked with various actors to reach over one million farmers with improved seed varieties, fertilizers, and lime using technology and digital solutions, invested significantly in enhancing policy and capability, and facilitated public-private dialogues that resulted in the liberalization of seed production, distribution, and marketing.
“We take great pride in these achievements. It is a testament to what’s possible when we all work together. It is also a testament to our shared commitment to the sustainable transformation of agriculture in Rwanda,” Dessalegn said.
The former Head of Government said that there’s still room to do more and with the launch of this new strategy, it will forge a forward and reaffirm a resolve to continue transforming food systems in Rwanda to make them more resilient and sustainable.

Agra agriculture strategy launch was attended by key ministries that have a lot to do with agriculture development
To make progress in this sector strategy, AGRA said it intends to invest in bringing together and supporting the coordination of actors involved in building the capacity of farmers, policymakers, regulators, service providers, off-takers, and financial institutions; using proven tools and delivery models that provide sufficient knowledge to support all players along the agri-food value chain make informed decisions.
Dessalegn said AGRA will invest in removing binding constraints that cause Rwandan youth, especially women, to shy away from agriculture by working with policymakers, vendors of agriculture machinery, markets, and trade experts to modernize agriculture in ways that attract a significant number of our unemployed youth to the agri-food sector as a dignifying and fulfilling career option.
This strategy is expected to enhance the upcoming 5th Rwanda’s Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation (PTSA5) which is under construction and consultations before its launch this year.
Jean-Paul Ndagijimana, the AGRA Country Manager said that the areas of Intervention will be through four business lines- strengthening finance lines (which will be prioritized); building a strong and resilient seed system which is robust and resilient with investment in sustainable farming (adoptable and mitigating climate change) and finally improve policy to achieve the PTSA5 goals and ultimate address issues like malnutrition.
Ndagijimana noted that the ultimate goal is to reduce malnutrition, and achieve the PTSA5 but also will be working with new partners such as the Mastercard Foundation on top of the existing one the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation among others.
AGRA President, Agnes Kalibata stated that the increase of Rwanda’s funding from $10 million to $50 million was because of partners who believe in Rwanda and in the opportunity to deliver on the African continent.
“We are moving into the food systems perspective but we cannot succeed without the support of the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that we do this together as a cross-cutting issue that requires other ministries. You do a good job we do a good job, the next five years’ success will depend on what our partners have done,” Kalibata said.
Minister of Agriculture Dr. Ildephonse Musafiri said the strategy will increase agriculture financing from current 4.8% to 10% which is above the Malabo convention and the other area of strategy will be to have Rwanda able to not only produce seeds locally but export to other countries.