The buffalo in Kinigi neighborhood
In Bisoke cell, Kinigi sector of Musanze district which the wonders of volcano national park call home, an adult bufalo this morning decided to cross the gazetted land and its buffer zone to come and check on the neighbors.
The buffalo came as an early bird, just 6AM and made a stopover in the courtyard of one Nyirandabaruta Athalie as farmers were preparing to go about daily chores in the farms.
“I looked out by the window as I was preparing to go out and saw a black mammal, which I thought it was a cow. But when I watched carefully, I realised it was a buffalo and closed quickly fearing for my life,” said Nyirabaruta’s neighbor.
He alerted everyone in the neighborhood, and everyone understood that it was important to remain indoor.
“We warned the resident to stay at home, fearing that if they went out, the buffalo would be irritated and would seek to defend itself, which would cause havoc,” advised Innocent Twagirimana, Kinigi Sector Executive Secretary.
The buffalo took his time to watch around, and later on laid asleep.
According to Twagirimana, the buffalo invaded crops on its way, and, as per tradition, an inventory would be conducted to establish the damages to be compensated by government through Rwanda Development Board(RDB) which has tourism and conservation in its attribution.
Meanwhile, security officials joined by RDB were alerted to come and manage their efforts to return the buffalo into its natural habitat. They tried to return it into the park in vain and decided to shoot it dead before causing damages.