CP John Bosco Kabera
Rwanda’s Police Spokesperson CP John Bosco Kabera, has sent a serious warning to the youth who run from their home villages to urban centres, turning into thugs. He said they better go back and engage in productive activities or else be arrested.
Speaking at national broadcaster today, CP Kabera revealed that there are about 800 youth who have been arrested in the last two months, mostly school dropouts who left their home villages for urban areas and those formerly under rehabilitation centres.
Residents in some parts of Kigali city and other areas in the country have continued to report acts of theft. However, the police Spokesperson assured residents that they (Police) will always keep alert to maintain security.
CP Kabera said “I believe that anyone who is able to work but does not do so and thinks the only option is to plan where to steal, won’t find it easy.”
He also advised youth to think of ways of earning a living through joining cooperatives, working for construction projects, agriculture, among others, when they are still energetic.
The Mayor of Kamonyi District, Dr Sylivere Nahayo who was on the same platform with CP Kaber said that the current acts of theft are not due to famine, but many of the youth just decide to get involved. He said that in Kamonyi District, there are many job opportunities which are not exploited, including construction, sand mining, among others.
The mayor added, “In solving this problem, one would as well call such people for possible existing employment opportunities, however, they are nowhere to be found, not interested and instead we receive those from other districts in search for the same jobs.”
The Police Spokesperson concurs with the district mayor on the fact that most youth abandon parents in their agricultural activities, construction and other jobs which need people who are still energetic.
CP Kabera further said that officials, including the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC) and the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) are in the process of finding solutions, at grassroots level, right from families.