A trend of the current influenza. Source: MoH
The Ministry of Health has come out to explain the ongoing bout of flu sweeping across the country, stating that the cold which is mainly affecting children is part of the seasonal flu, exacerbated by the rainy season.
The Ministry of Health explanation came after several Rwandans took to social media to lament about a resilient influenza affecting both children and adults, and doesn’t seem to go away easily, even when on medication.
“Our data show an increase in seasonal flu cases during rainy season. National Laboratory surveillance testing shows that H3N2 influenza virus remains the most prevalent in Rwanda,” the Ministry said.
The information came at a time when a slight surge in Covid-19 cases are being reported globally, though the new coronavirus remains largely contained. In Rwanda, Covid-19 cases decline tremendously this year, with the positivity rate below 1 percent.
“Although COVID19 positivity rate is 0.5%, it may increase during this festive season. The Ministry of Health urges anyone with flu like symptoms to seek treatment and avoid spreading the virus. Our disease surveillance and response system continues.” the Ministry said.
Despite declaring that the Covid-19 will no longer be designated a global emergency by next year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that new ‘variants of concern’ (VoCs) could emerge due to complacency especially if people don’t get vaccinated.
The global health body warned that new variants of the virus could emerge over the next year, as they did in 2022, with eyes now on China, which recently relaxed its Covid-19 restrictions despite fears of an increase in new cases. China however says new cases and deaths have relented, hence the relaxation measures.