MP Veneranda Nyirahirwa(Middle) and colleagues during the presentation of report to the plenary
Rwanda Parliament has asked the Prime Minister Dr. Ngirente Edouard to work on the human trafficking policy and get it ready within six months within measures the government has taken to solve human trafficking issues.
The decision came after presentation of the report on human trafficking by the Committee on the Unity, Human Rights and Combating Genocide to the Chamber of Deputies.
The Prime will, after six months give to the parliament an update on the policy and how it will be implemented.
According to MP Veneranda Nyirahirwa, human trafficking being one of the newest criminal offenses in Rwanda, there are still gaps in coordinating efforts among ministries that are primarily responsible in combating the issue, including ministries of Justice, Gender and Family Promotion and Local government.
In 2019, the Never Again Rwanda Organization published a study on human trafficking in the region which shows that between 2017-2018 indicated that 515 people who were going to be trafficked were returned to Rwanda.
Of them, 325 are Burundians, 77 Congolese, 70 Rwandans and 45 hailed from other countries in the region. Out of all these people, 400 are women and girls
Never Again Rwanda said that more than 500 people were involved in this business where the victims are mostly transported to countries in the Middle East.