
BK headquarters
The Bank of Kigali (BK) Internet Banking Products have been revamped and amplified with new features to allow its clients transact without moving away from wherever they are.
Some of the products that have been on the BK internet banking platform include: Checking account balances, do transfers review, downloading and printing bank account statements, Paying taxes, utilities and authorizing transactions.
Others are Beneficiary management Irembo and bulk payments.
The newly added five (5) products and services on the BK internet banking include:
URUBUTO Pay With BK Internet Banking Channel where you are able to pay High School and University tuition fees easier and faster. You do not need to waste time queuing at any branch.
Moreover, there is MTN/AIRTEL Purchase which allows one to purchase MTN & AIRTEL float easier and faster with BK Internet Banking Chanel.
Also to mention is the Instant Card Loading to load your Prepaid and Credit card and instantly start using the credit with no need to contact the bank.
For the taxman issues of queuing up all day at Rwanda Revenue Authority offices, BK Internet banking allows you to pay RRA taxes on time and helps you to avoid being fined for late payment when BK Internet Banking is available at your fingertips.
With BK Internet Banking , Importers and exporters can rest assured working with the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) – a product that enables the business community to pay for imports and exports.
You do not need to queue at the bank when you can make payments in a blink of an eye.
BK Internet Banking is available to Business and Personal account holders who have a BK current or savings account.
Registering for BK Internet Banking is quick and easy one-time process. You can register by filling in the registration form and dropping it off at any of our branches or BK Head-Office in the heart of Kigali.
You will be given a registration username and password which you can use to access BK Internet Banking.