Dr. Daniel Ngamije and Jonathan Kamin, USAID Rwanda Mission Director visited ECD in Kayonza
The Ministry of Health has dedicated Rwf64 to two new projects that will face the rampant stunting and poor hygiene.
The projects dubbed “Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (Gikuriro Kuri Bose) and the Thrive WASH (Isoko y’Ubuzima), respectively, will work on improving maternal, infant and child nutrition, development, functional and health outcomes and improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in communities.
They target districts of Kayonza, Ngoma, Nyabihu, Nyanza, Kicukiro, Nyarugenge, Rwamagana, Burera, Rulindo, and Nyamasheke.
Mathematically, they will benefit 725,000 children under the age of six from Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD) and 820,000 women of reproductive age and 49,305 persons with disabilities.
They were both funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
At the national level, the stunting rate is at 33.1% according to the 2020 Demographic and Health Survey. However, the government targets to reduce it to at least 18% by 2024.
According to the Ministry of Health, in ten districts where Gikuriro Kuri Bose will be implemented, the stunting rate ranges from 10.7% to 46.7% and the project will contribute to the significant reduction of these rates in the coming five years.

USAID and Minister of Health visiting Sanitation center located In Kayonza
“Having a healthy and prosperous Rwanda is a driving force behind all planning for the Government of Rwanda and we welcome the commitment by the U.S. Government to continue supporting and accompanying us in this journey,” Dr. Daniel Ngamije, Minister of Health said yesterday, during the Launch in Kayonza district.
The Gikuriro Kuri Bose project will be implemented by the Catholic Relief Services to improve the health, functioning, nutritional status, and wellbeing of women of reproductive age and children under six years of age, strengthen the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities, and improve positive parenting and child development.
Other non-profit organizations to facilitate in the implementation of the projects include Humanity and Inclusion, UMUHUZA, University of Global Health Equity, Three Stones International, African Evangelical Enterprise (AEE), Caritas Rwanda, DUHAMIC ADRI, and Young Women Christian Association (YWCA).

Dr. Ngamije, McLean and Kamin visit communities
“The United States commitment through Gikuriro Kuri Bose and Isoko y’Ubuzima activities is aligned with Rwanda national policies and strategies to promote nurturing care, comprehensive health and nutrition outcomes of children, people with disabilities, women, and families. The two activities will strengthen governance, coordination, and collaboration across sectors for impactful programming in the ten districts where each will be implemented,” The U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Deborah MacLean said.