Monthly community work-umuganda
Rwandans have showed excitement over returning to the monthly community cleaning exercise – Umuganda.
The community has not been gathering after more than two years due to COVID-19 challenges.
In Rusizi and Musanze district, residents cleared feeder paths and were excited to be able to contribute to the community development especially that most of the paths leading to their homes.
“It’s exciting to be back to work on the roads which were damaged because we were not able to maintain them,” said one resident in Musanze.
Local leaders and army officers who participated in the exercise used the event to remind parents to send back to school children.
In Rulindo district residents participated in environmental protection activities while in Burera government officials joined residents to construct and rehabilitate citizen houses that were damaged by natural disasters.
Residents were encouraged to prevent possible natural disasters especially during the next three months heavy rains have been predicted to possibly destroy property and infrastructure.
In the southern district of Muhanga, residents also took up hoes to dig up new feeder roads in the various cells, an activity that was attended by many citizens and local leaders.
In the Eastern district of Bugesera, citizens took part in general cleaning and road repair activities with intention to prevent future natural disasters.
The Minister of Local Government, JMV Gatabazi used the opportunity to educate residents on the essence of the exercise but also reminded them to use the Umuganda to solve their problems in the community.
“Umuganda brings back life in the community and it is another suitable platform for us to table and solve our issues,” Gatabazi said.
While in other districts residents had an opportunity to work together once again some districts and the city of Kigali postponed the Umuganda activities following the ongoing Tour of Rwanda which closes this Sunday.