Officials from Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania have commended the progress registered at the ongoing construction of a multi regional power plant that is expected to produce 80 megawatts by the end of this year.
Construction of the Regional Rusumo falls Hydroelectric project located in Kirehe district on the Rwanda-Tanzania border, kicked off in 2017.
The project is worth $340Million and $128Million that have advanced to the countries as a loan from the World Bank (WB) and African Development Bank (AfDB) for the implementation of the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric project and the Power transmission lines respectively.
The project has a completion deadline set for this year 2022, with each country getting 26.6 megawatts.
The transmission lines will extend from the power generation plant to Gitega in Burundi, Kigali in Rwanda, and Nyakanazi in Tanzania.
The project will develop renewable hydroelectric power as part of a broader program to support sustainable management of the Kagera River Basin and promote growth and poverty reduction.
The Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) is the Hydro Project on behalf of the three countries.
A field report conducted this January 25 indicated that the project construction has reached 86% and already one power station has been constructed on the Rwandan side.
Rwandan Governor of the Eastern Province, Emmanuel K. Gasana said that, on completion, the project will impact on lives of citizens in all three countries.
“We are grateful for our Heads of State who thought of this electricity project which will improve and create jobs for citizens in the three countries,” Gasana said.
With respect to environmental concerns, the official held closed discussion with NELSAP- the project implementer, in which they agreed to ensure that the Rusumo project is environmental friendly with planting of trees alongside the Akagera river belt and securing the infrastructure for sustainable benefits.
Alloyce Oduor, the Power Engineer at NELSAP said the project will deliver direct benefits to the people around the expected hydropower generation plan.
As part of bringing quick benefits to the community in the project site neighbourhoods (in Ngoma and Kirehe districts), the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project has allocated $5million to the people through the two District Councils to implement different community development projects like irrigation, livestock, construction of new health centres and road rehabilitation through the Local Area Development Program.
The Project has started the implementation of the livelihood restoration program for the affected people by Rusumo project in the Kirehe District.