Rwanda has concluded decentralised entities’ polls with elections of executive committee across 27 districts of the country(not including three districts of Kigali which follow a different provision).
In the morning, the exercise started with elections of bureau of district councilors, before embarking on the election of three members of executive committee including the mayor of the district and their two deputies in charge of social affairs and economic affairs respectively.
Some mayors bounced back, others have been serving under district councils, but there are also fresh figures from different walks of life.
Here is the list of the mayors who were elected for a five year term renewable only once.
Southern Province
Nyamagabe District
Located in the far Southern Province towards the West, Nyamagabe district elected Niwemwungeri Ildebrand who is replacing Bonaventure Uwamahoro, the former mayor who did not run for second term.

Niwemwungeri Ildebrand
Like in Nyamagabe, the neighboring Huye district also elected a youthful mayor Ange Sebutege who is serving his second term.

Ange Sebutege
Also elected was the mayor of the neighboring Gisagara district Jerome Rutaburingoga who is also serving second term in southern district bordering with Burundi.

Jérôme Rutaburingoga
In Nyaruguru, there was some surprise whereby the acting mayor was only elected vice mayor for social affairs, while the mayor became

Emmanuel Murwanashyaka
Ruhango, Nyanza, and Muhanga re-elected their mayors with Habarurema Valens bouncing back in Ruhango and Ntazinda Erasme in Nyanza district, the headquarters of Southern Province.

Habarurema Valens re-elected Mayor of Ruhango district

Jacqueline Kayitare
In Muhanga also, Jacqueline Kayitare bounced back.
However, Kamonyi district elected a fresh mayor in the person of Dr Sylivere Nahayo.

Dr Sylivere Nahayo
Eastern Province
Like in the Southern Province, the Eastern Province also had several mayors who bounced back.

Radjab Mbonyumuvunyi
From the nearest Rwamagana district, the district councilors re-elected mayor Radjab Mbonyumuvunyi and so did those in Bugesera with mayor Richard Mutabazi.

Richard Mutabazi

Nyemazi John Bosco
Meanwhile, Nyemazi John Bosco(below) was elected in Kayonza district.

Niyonagira Anathalie, the mayor of Ngoma
Nyagatare, then Kirehe and Ngoma – the two latest with former mayors having completed their terms had new figures including a woman Niyonagira Anathalie for Ngoma District and Gasana Stephen for Nyagatare.

Gasana Stephen, Mayor of Nyagatare

Bruno Rangira
For Kirehe, they also had a new figure in the person of Bruno Rangira who has been working in city of Kigali as communication and then spokesperson for several years now.
Gasana Richard Mayor of Gatsibo
Northern Provincee
In the Northern Province, new figures were also introduced but there are also cases of incumbent.
Judith Mukanyirigira(Above) was elected in Rulindo district while Nizeyimana JMV was elected mayor of Gakenke replacing Deogratias Nzamwita who concluded his two terms.
Nizeyimana is former Executive Secretary of Ruli Sector in this district.

Nzeyimana Jean Marie Vianney, mayor of Gakenke
Ramuli Janvier is elected new mayor of @MusanzeDistrict Northern Province.
He has been serving as director of Immigration and Emigration, Northern Province— KT Press Rwanda (@ktpressrwanda) November 19, 2021
Still in Northern Province, Gicumbi district elected a new mayor Nzabonimpa Emmanuel who is coming from Gatsibo district where he was serving as Director of Corporate Services.

Nzabonimpa Emmanuel, the mayor elect of Gicumbi
At the same time, Marie Chantal Uwanyirigira was re-elected as mayor of Burera district.

Marie Chantal Uwanyirigira
Western Province
In the Western Province, Rutsiro district councilors elected Murekatete Triphose who has been serving as councilor in Rubavu district while the neighboring Ngororero district elected Nkusi Christophe who is new.

Murekatete Triphose
The Mayor elect of @NgororeroDistr in Western Province is Nkusi Christophe (Middle),
Vm FED: Uwihoreye Patrick (L)
Vm Asoc: MUKUNDUHIRWE Benjamine (R)— KT Press Rwanda (@ktpressrwanda) November 19, 2021
In Nyabihu, Mukandayisenga Antoinette was also re-elected for another 5 year term and so was Appolonie Mukamasabo of Nyamasheke district.

Mukandayisenga Antoinette mayor of Nyabihu district

MUKAMASABO Appolonie, mayor of Nyamasheke District
Unlike Nyamasheke, the neigboring Rusizi got a new mayor who is Dr. Kibiriga Anicet.

Dr Kibiriga Anicet mayor of Rusizi
Equally, Rubavu district got a new mayor – Kambogo Ildephonse and so did Karongi district with Mukarutesi Vestine

Kambogo Ildephonse, Rubavu district mayor

Mukarutesi Vestine, Mayor Karongo districte
Mathematically, the number of women mayors in the 27 districts is eight(8) which is 29.6% compared to their male counterparts.
If the number is rounded, they represent 30% for the position of mayors only.