Teacher at Kazo Primary School in Kamonyi district shows a student what she should have done during school quiz.
Primary, secondary and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teachers will be paid their 10% increment salary arrears that were not paid by the government since July 2020.
The 10% increment will be availed following the Presidential Order No. 064/01 of 16/03/2020 establishing the statute governing teachers in Nursery, Primary, Secondary and TVET schools, especially in the article 73 providing for the composition of the gross salary of a Teacher; Considering the Government’s decision to increase by 10% the net salaries of teachers.
“I am pleased to send to you, on the annex, adjusted salary structures for all teachers in the nursery, primary, secondary, and technical and vocational schools for implementation with effect from July 2020. In relation to this adjustment, all teachers in service should be paid arrears for the period from July to November 2020,” the letter from the ministry of public service and labour (MIFOTRA) reads.
The teacher’s salary increments were approved by a cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame on 28 January 2020.
The new salaries were to be paid effective March this year but were not. However, reasons were not explained in the letter.
With this increment, each Primary school teacher will take home Rwf46,400 ($50) while a secondary teacher will earn Rwf137,000 from Rwf125,000.