Rutsiro district headquarters
Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) is holding 14 employees of the Western Province district of Rutsiro and two businessmen suspected of conniving to pay out a contractor up over Rwf130m before delivering the expected service.
According Dr. Thierry Murangira, the Acting Spokesperson of RIB, the 14 officials and two businessmen were allegedly involved in a scheme to award a tender to a company identified as DECOCO Ltd, to supply of materials for the construction of Vision Umurenge Programme (VUP) roads in 6 sectors of the district, where the contractor was fully paid before the delivery of the contracted items.
“They were discovered after an inspection which was done by the district on expenditure of public funds. It was found that the contractor had been paid the full amount, Rwf130.500.000, before completing the assignment. It was found that delivery notes, to show that the work was done, were forged,”
“They will face several charges of flouting law no.62 of 25/08/2018 Governing Public Procurement, particularly Article 188 under Section 2 on Offences and Penalties on illegally awarding of public procurement tenders,” Murangira told KT Press.
Dr. Murangira said that among other offences, the district officials in question will face charges of forgery for faking documents related to contract execution.

RIB Acting Spokesperson Dr Thierry Murangira.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Kamana Jean Marie, Division Manager for Corporate Services, Basabose Alex, Director of Finance, Ngabo Fadhil Emmanuel, District Engineer, Munyamahoro Cyato Justin, the Accountant, Ntihemuka Janvier (ES), Murari Richard (Land Manager) for Murunda Sector and Rutayisire M. Deogratias, the Executive Secretary.
Others include Sekamana Theophile (Land Manager) for Ruhango Sector, Mpirwa Migabo (ES), Nshizirungu Emmanuel (Land Manager) for Nyabirasi Sector, Icyizihiza Ilda (ES) for Rusebeya Sector, Bisanabagabo Sylvestre (ES), Ndagijimana Aloys (Land Manager) for Kivumu Sector and Kagaba Baptiste Land Manager for Mukura Sector.
Other two people involved in the case are Mbishibishi Desange and Uwamukiza David, the owners of DECOCO Ltd, the contracted company.
According to RIB, investigations showed that on January 30, 2020, Rutsiro district awarded a tender worth Rwf130.500.000 to the company to supply sand and stones for the construction of VUP roads in 11 sectors but the task was not done yet the contractor was paid.
“We are urging all civil servants to avoid engaging in acts that will cost the government and the taxpayer money. This is something we are not going to tolerate. We have intensified efforts to ensure that public resources are protected,”
“Flouting tender procedures and other acts that are aimed at defrauding taxpayers out of their resources through corrupt tendencies is illegal and punishable under the law,” Murangira warned.
According to Clause 12 of the article 188 of the public procurement law, any person who awards a public tender by means of methods contrary to those provided for under this Law for such a tender; commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than five years and not more than seven years and a fine of not less than Rwf2,000,000 and not more than Rwf5,000,000.
Similarly, according to the penal law, forging documents to award unjustified advantage can attract a maximum of five years in prison and a fine upon conviction.
The detained employees had been suspended from duty by Rutsiro district last week.