The City of Kigali estimates that infrastructure which will enable the Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) and cable cars will be ready within two years if negotiation with key players goes as per expectations.
The vice mayor in charge of Infrastructure Development Eng. Ernest Nsabimana, told KT Multimedia, our sister platform that several steps towards the execution of the project have been made.
“There are several projects. When we talk about transport, we mean more than road transport. We also have cable cars, and others that require special roads called PRT,” the vice mayor said.

Cable car
“The PRT project is under discussion with the investors and the discussions are promising.”
The vice mayor said, that with Kigali’s hilly terrain, cable cars are really important and they have potential to increase tourists in Kigali.
He further said that consultations between the Ministry of infrastructure, the ICT institutions, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and the investors have been finalized where the relevancy of the project was approved.
Further studies also continued in the second phase.
“If all goes as planned, in two years the cable cars and PRT would be operating in Kigali, depending on the outcome of the negotiations,” the vice mayor said.
The cable cars project has been pending for some years now. The city of Kigali is now determined to make it happen.
Meanwhile, the capital city is working around the clock to prepare smooth transport during the Commonwealth Heads of State and Government Meeting(CHOGM) scheduled to take place mid of next year.
Among other preparation is widening the road network while creating 24-kilometer alternative roads which, even after CHOGM, will continue to alleviate the congestion in the quick-growing Kigali.
Under construction include the road Mulindi-Rusororo(Intare Conference Arena), Nyabisindu-Green Hills Academy connecting with Kibagabaga-Nyarutarama.
The road Alpha Palace – Kabeza which will decongest Giporoso road has also been completed and so was the road that links Gishushu to Remera(Controle Technique) via Gasabo District headquarters, Airtel and Sports View Hotel.
Another road is Rwandex-Kimihurura(Mu Myembe).
This network was completed at a tune of Rwf 25 billion financed by the government of Rwanda.