Rubavu-Rwanda’s border city in Western Province-Aerial view
Churches will remain closed for more time while Rubavu district which was placed under isolation since the beginning of the month will see movements resume.
The cabinet chaired by the Head of State – President Paul Kagame on Tuesday decided to maintain public and private services operational with only essential employees going to the office and the rest working from home as it has been for more than three months.
Domestic tourism and international tourism for visitors traveling with charter flights had also been maintained.
The cabinet meeting
Hotels will also remain operational and will give conference services with respect to hygiene guidelines.
“Movements to/from Rubavu district shall resume,” the cabinet communique reads, ending a month of isolation of the district which was decided early June when new COVID-19 cases were reported in Rusizi and Rubavu districts – Western Province which raised a national concern.
However, public transport and any other movements(except for goods and cargo) are prohibited in zones under lockdown in Rusizi and Kigali.
Noncontact outdoor sports will also continue, but gyms remain closed.
Motos will also continue to work respecting hygiene and other precautions guidelines despite fears that were raised a couple of days ago when 2 moto-taxi riders tested COVID-19 positive in Kigali.
The religious weddings which were decided in the previous cabinet meeting and the civil wedding which was permitted much earlier will also continue with 30 participants and 15 participants respectively.
Religious ceremonies for burial and funeral were also maintained with a maximum of 30 participants.
However, church services will remain closed despite an earlier hope that they would open soon. The cabinet, like in the previous meeting, said that the churches should get ready to open if future epidemiological research findings allow it.
“Places of worship will remain closed. In the meantime, investment in COVID-19 precautionary and preventive measures is encouraged to allow readiness for reopening after epidemiological assessment,” part of the cabinet resolutions’ communique reads.
This gives churches an assignment to work hard on preparations which would allow the government to decide to reopen them, should COVID-19 slow down.
Meanwhile, bars and gaming activities remain closed while schools, as decided since earlier, will open in September 2020.
On June 30, the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Rwanda reached 1,025 including 24 on Tuesday.
The new cases were tested in Rusizi:13, Kigali:7, Ngoma:2, Nyagatare:1, Rutsiro:1
The number brought active cases to 576 while recoveries are slightly lower with 447 cases including 4 on Tuesday.
Since March 14 when the first case was confirmed in Rwanda, the country reported 2 COVID-19 deaths.