Amb. Moses Rugema
President Paul Kagame has appointed several officials including the Chief of State Protocol in the Office of the President, an ambassador, Director Generals, among other senior officials in ministries and beyond.
Moses Rugema was promoted Ambassador and appointed the Chief of State Protocol in the Office of the President while Ambassador Jacques Kabale was appointed Ambassador at large in charge of African integration.
Three Permanent Secretaries have been appointed including: Tehophile Mbonera in the Ministry of Justice, Clementine Mukeka in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
The latter replaces Urujeni Feza Bakuramutsa who was appointed Director of the Cabinet in the office of the President in March this year.
Patrick Karera was appointed Permenant Secretary in the Ministry of Environment,
In other changes, Dr. Regis Hitimana was appointed Deputy Director-General in Charge of benefits at Rwanda Social Security Board(RSSB).

Valerie Nyirahabineza
At Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), Juliet Kabera was appointed Director-General replacing Eng. Collette Ruhamya.
Valerie Nyirahabineza, who was serving as a member of East African Legislative Assembly was appointed Chairperson of the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission where she replaces Seraphine Mukantabana who was dismissed in December last year.

Ambassador Jacques Kabale
Ambassador Guillaume Kavaruganda was appointed Director General Europe, Americas and International Organizations at MINAFFET while in the same Ministry Shakilla Umutoni Kazimbaya was appointed Director General Africa.Juan Haguma is advisor to the Minister in Minaffet while Darius Rutaganira is Division Manager Corporate Services also at Minaffet.