Social Mula(Left) in the studios of KT Radio
Afro beat singer Social Mula and upcoming songstress Marina are set to light up Brussels come 22nd February at Birmingham Palace.
Both musicians despite being young in music arena have made hits that earned them a huge fan base across the country and abroad.
Team Production Company which is known for organizing concerts in Europe for local artists is the one that spotted them for the 2020 gig.
The Ma Vie hit singer, Social Mula told KT Press that he is thrilled to perform for Rwandan music lovers abroad and he is ready to make it a historical show.
“Am so great full for the opportunity to meet my fans in Europe and already am rehearsing to give them the best of me. I want to make history since it’s my maiden show in Brussels,” says Social Mula.
Social Mula however suggests that music promoters abroad should do more to have local entertainers abroad because the diaspora is hungry of local content.
“Music promoters in Europe haven’t showed much interest in organizing concerts for local artists yet our diaspora community loves of our music and is ready to pay. I would have performed in Europe many times if we had promoters interested in local content,” he said.
The singer has produced hits like Ma Vie, Superstar, Humura and Mu Buroko.
The Prix Decourvetes 2019 nominee will share the stage with upcoming but steady afro beat songstress Marina with songs like Log Out, Nari High and many more. She is currently one of the best-selling female musicians with fat contracts from big companies like MTN.
Other local artists that have rocked Birmingham in previous years include Dream Boyz, Charly na Nina, Butera Knowless, Bruce Melody and Urban Boyz.