Home NewsNational Bail or Remand? Ruling in Case Involving 25 RNC Suspects Soon

Bail or Remand? Ruling in Case Involving 25 RNC Suspects Soon

by Edmund Kagire
1:13 pm

Amid heavy rain, 25 suspects linked to terror group – Rwanda National Congress (RNC) arrived at the Military Tribunal in Nyamirambo on Monday, where they await their fate on bail. Majority of the group, led by Maj(Rtd) Habib Mudathiru, have pleaded guilty to the charges and sought for leniency.

The group includes Rwandans, Burundians and Ugandans who were arrested by government forces in their DR Congo bases where they trained and planned to launch attacks on Rwanda. Majority of the recruits said they had been given false promises by RNC and its facilitators in Burundi and Uganda.

They are all charged with formation of an irregular armed group or joining it, conspiracy against the established Government or the President of the Republic, maintaining relations with a foreign government with intent to wage a war and formation of or joining a criminal group.


By press time, judges were giving a summary of the submissions made by all sides in the pretrial hearing before they deliver a verdict on bail for the 25 suspects linked to terror group Rwanda National Congress (RNC).