Amavubi Stars take the lion’s share
The Sports and Culture will have to share partly Rwf. 20.1 billion as proposed by the Government in the budget for the 2019/2020 Fiscal year.
On June 13, Government announced plans to spend Frw 2,876.9 billion in the 2019/2020 Fiscal year, an increase of Frw 291.8 billion compared to Frw 2,585.1 billion in the 2018/19 revised budget according to the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana.
Presenting the 2019-20 National Budget in Parliament On Thursday, Minister Ndagijimana pointed out that generally, economic plans enshrined in the 2019/20 budget as well as medium term will focus on “industrialization for job creation and inclusive economic growth” in line with the EAC theme of “Transforming Lives through Industrialization and Job creation for Shared Prosperity”.
According to the proposed government budget, sports and culture which fall under the social transformation that is set to consume 27.2% of the total budget will only received Rwf. 20.1 billion.
Other sectors under social transformation that have been budgeted for include Water and sanitation which has Rwf. 67.2 billion; urbanization and rural settlement-Rwf.37.7 billion; social protection-Rwf. 110.7 billion; Health –Rwf. 234.8 billion; Education-Rwf. 310.2 billion; justice, reconciliation, law and order-Rwf. 621.9 billion, all totaling to Frw 781.7 billion.
Government’s expenditure policies in fiscal year 2019/20 are guided by National Strategy for Transformation (NST-1) priorities and objectives while ensuring appropriate allocation to enhance service delivery across sectors.
The Economic Transformation pillar takes the lion’s share of the resources at Frw 1,636 billion amounting to 56.9 % of the total budget while Transformational Governance is allocated Frw 458.7 billion representing 15.9% of the total budget.
Some sporting federations will have to find means of financing their activities and national teams deemed to take part in many regional and global competitions in the upcoming year if they are to leave positive performances as most expenditure is usually incurred during preparations of players.