Members of different CAF Member Associations who are attending the CAF Club Licensing Regional Workshop which started today in KIgali City
The Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF) Club Licensing Regional Workshop started on Tuesday at Hôtel des Mille Collines in Kigali City, Rwanda.
Divided into two groups, the first workshop started today and will climax on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 before the second session starts from May 10-11, with each session having 13 MA’s each represented by two delegates in attendance.
Rwanda is represented by Aaron Rurangirwa who is the vice president of the national club licencing committee and Pierre C, Biyakifato who is the FERWAFA Club Licencing Manager.
The objectives of the workshops include receiving a full update on the status of the club licensing system at National level and assist the MAs with near future planning, in order to have clubs ready before the deadline for engagement in the next CAF Inter Club competitions.
The FERWAFA Executive Committee Member Eric Ruhamiriza who was in company of Secretary General Uwayezu F. Regis graced the opening ceremony.
FIFA Professional Football Advisor Jose Andres Portabella from Netherlands, CAF Instructors on Club Licensing Ahmed Harraz (Egypt), Sidat Muhammad Feizal (Mozambique) Gerson de Melo (Cape Verde), Emmanuel Kande (DR Congo) and Khaled Lemkecher are in charge of the workshop.
In his opening remarks, the FERWAFA Executive Member, Eric Ruhamiriza who represented the FERWAFA president applauded CAF for giving Rwanda the opportunity to host the workshop.
He said, “In the name of the FERWAFA President, we thank CAF for having chosen Rwanda to host this crucial workshop and we are happy to host all members from the different football associations present here today,”
“Club licensing is the only pivotal aspect that will pave way for all of us to professionalize the sport on our continent and its better we embrace it and ensure that it’s implemented back in our different federations and I believe it is going to be possible to achieve this mission with the continued undying support from CAF,” Ruhamiriza added.
The CAF Club Licencing Manager, Ahamed Harraz highlighted the need to implement club licensing in African federations.
“Club licensing offers many benefits on a long-term basis hence if we really want to professionalize and develop the sport, we have to ensure that it is implemented in our associations,”
“The process might be demanding but when over a few years, notable achievements will be realized in as far as football development is concerned,” added Harraz.
Over this week, the two workshops will serve as a platform for participants to share and exchange ideas on best practices, and also assist the MA’s with their specific needs.
The FIFA Professional Football Advisor Jose Andres Portabella urged member associations to devote their time and resources in implementing club licensing to be able to achieve outcomes that comes with having a professionalized football.
“Club licensing is the only tool deemed right to develop football and considering the massive talents that Africa possesses, embracing and implementing it will pave way for better and improved football on the African continent,” said Portabella.
The second workshop is scheduled to be held from May 10-11, 2019 in Kigali City.
Meanwhile on Thursday, Rwandan Club presidents and secretary generals will hold a session with the CAF Club Licesning Instructors. Countries taking part (26 Countries, 2 participants from each country)
May 7-8, 2019: Algeria, Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Madagascar, Mauritius, Niger, Sao Tome and Rwanda.
May 10-11, 2019: Benin, Central Africa, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Chad, Togo and Tunisia.
Participants of the first CAF Club Licensing Regional Workshop
Reda Abdouch (Algeria), Reda Ghezal (Algeria), Wend Pouyre Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Nounbeter Some (Burkina Faso), Avellin Basegeta (Burundi), Ramdhani Kibuga (Burundi), Fernando Fermino (Cape Verde), Daniel Soares (Cape Verde), Charles Etoundi (Cameroon), Paul Mebizo’o (Cameroon), Kibundulu Kazadi Innocent (DR Congo), Mwehu Beya Kofela Bosco-Michel (DR Congo), Yao Gnimavo (Cote d’Ivoire), Zito Blake (Cote d’Ivorie) , M’Bemba Balde (Guinea Bissau), Bariharivony Rambou (Madagascar), Helly Zafinimaga (Madagascar), Muhammud Bilal Beebeejaun (Mauritius), Renaud NG Ping Man (Mauritius), Issa Yanfore (Niger), Ibrahim Hamani (Niger), Manuel Pereira (Sao Tome), Miguel Carvalho (Sao Tome), Biyakifato Peter (Rwanda) and Aaron Rurangirwa (Rwanda).