A hill from Rwankuba sector, Karongi district
At least 15 people have died from floods and landslides that followed heavy downpour in several parts of the country – May 6th at night.
Most affected is Rwankuba sector, Karongi district where 12 people died following a landslide that hit three villages of Rubazo, Bisesero and Gatsata.
In the morning residents of Rwankuba woke up and gathered to the spots for rescue efforts and after the first attempt, they found 9 bodies under the wall remains.
The search is still underway.
The executive secretary of Rwankuba sector Vedaste Nsanzabaganwa said, “We have discovered 9 bodies but search is going on. Apparently, more bodies are still inside because the landslide fell on dozens of houses.”
By press time, 12 bodies were already discovered.
In Nyabugogo cell Giticyinyoni village of Nyarugenge district also, a retaining wall fell on a family of five and three died on spot while two more were injured and hurried to the hospital.
Other damages also were registered. For example, Nyundo minor seminary was affected by such a heavy flood that Mayor Janvier Murenzi of Rubavu advised the school to temporarily relocate pending the cleaning of the school.
From January to May 6th this year at least 200 deaths have been recorded and 215 people have been injured by the heavy rains that hot the country in the rainy season.
According to latest figures released by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees (MIDMAR), disasters have also damaged 4,560 hectares of crops and destroyed 9974 houses.
Among other destroyed properties are 58 roads, 7 churches, 42 bridges. 705 livestock also died.
Speaking to media last week, Midimar Minister, De Bonheur Jeanne d’Arc reminded the population to respect mitigation measures wherever applicable.
“We advise you to adopt community-based practices for disaster risk reduction measures including digging effective water drainage, proper land use, terracing and tree planting activities,” she said then.