Kayonza District residents raise their hands seeking to ask questions during a citizen outreach program by President Paul Kagame
Rwandans can now file a complaint about an unsolved/delayed issue and get a feedback from concerned leaders with just a click.
The ministry of local government (Minaloc) has put in place an online platform where any citizen can file a complaint which would be referred to competent institutions – top leaders to get a solution and/or a feedback with immediate effect.
The e-complaints forum will allow a citizen to file their enquiry to Minaloc server and the IT team will forward it to relevant officials.
For someone to submit their complaints to top leaders, they have to dial *5353# and follow instructions. Once a complaint is received the sender is given feedback and the complaint is forwarded to all leaders concerned.
The ministry says this platform has an explanation in Rwanda where decentralization is deepening.
The Head of State, President Paul Kagame has always encouraged citizen’s hold accountable every leader who does not deliver to expectations.
Minister Francis Kaboneka(bottom) announces e-complaint during a press conference on TuesdayFor example, in February last year, when he visited Nyagatare District in his citizen outreach tour, he was welcomed by several complaints especially on salary arrears and misuse of public funds, unsolved land issues, to mention but a few.
The President urged MINALOC to go out of their offices and solve people’s problems since it looked like people do not trust their grassroots leaders.
“This platform is not going to replace leaders’ responsibility to solve people’s problem,” Francis Kaboneka, Minister of Minaloc told media on Tuesday while launching the platform.
Kaboneka said that this technology will help the ministry to discover local leaders who do not fulfill their duties as required, but also help discover people who would go to every top leader’s office accusing local authorities of failing to solve their problems.
“We have seen people who would go from my office, to the office of the ombudsman and other top leaders claiming that other levels have failed to address their problems, yet they did but he failed to accept the decisions taken,” Kaboneka said.
“So, this will allow us to easily detect people going to all offices with the same complaint,” Kaboneka said adding that “it will also help to discover sectors with many complaints.

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Jean Pierre Uwemeyimana, resident of Gasabo District, City of Kigali, says there has been a lot of injustice, corruption, and negligence in local administration.
“Sending complaints via the mobile phone will force local leaders to timely and adequately solve our problems,” Uwimana said.
Uwimana also expects this platform to give a convincing answer to the enquiry “since you will know that I got the answer from my president, the ombudsman or any relevant authorities that handle issues with equity.”