Cross boarder business between Rwanda and DRCongo has resumed
Life has returned to normal in Goma -a border city of neighbouring DRCongo after violent riots which left two dead, 18 wounded and at least 28 arrested.
The clashes on Monday involved anti-riot police and civilians opposed to President Joseph Kabila’s attempts to seek third term.
Our reporter on the Rubavu-Goma petite says business has resumed with informal cross border traders flocking markets on either side.
Over 45,000 people from Rubavu and Goma cross border every day for trade purposes.
Most traders were seen carrying food stuffs, oil and juices for sale, students walked across the border without any hesitation. Trucks were also seen crossing to DR Congo on the grand border.
“I had a good day of business today. I sold all the cooked maize but yesterday I had to close prematurely and that affected my daily sales,” said Chantal Uwamariya a Rwandan trader.
Last evening, Schools, markets and shops were closed as protests paralysed businesses in the area, which is crucial for Rwandan traders who usually trade between Rubavu town and Goma
Contrary to the earlier security warming alert issued by Rubavu district, the area Vice mayor in charge of social affairs, Janvier Murenzi today said there have not been major concerns.
“Yesterday we asked Rubavu residents to stay alert while crossing into Goma especially not to go as far as Majengo and Sake routes. Today it has been calm and we are keeping a close eye on any security threats for our people,” Murenzi told KT Press.
The city of Goma has experienced several peaks of violence and repeated killings in the past.