Members of Rwandan Diaspora in Belgium listen to President Paul Kagame in 2010
The Rwandan community in Belgium is warming up to meet President Paul Kagame next month where he will travel to attend the annual European Development Days forum.
According to organisers, the two-day forum (7-8th June) is expected to attract over 5000 participants from 140 countries and 1200 organizations.
Development experts across Europe annually converge at the forum to exchange ideas and experiences that would boost new partnership and bring innovative solutions against world challenges.
While in Beligum, President Kagame will also convene Meet the President session to interact with Rwandans living in Belgium and other from neighbouring countries.
“The Belgian Diaspora invites Rwandans living in Belgium and their friends to a demonstration in support of the president scheduled to take place on Wednesday June 7, 2017 at 9h00,” reads a communiqué circulating through several platforms.
The demonstration will take place at Tour and Taxis Avenue and will be followed by an interactive session. Participants have to register with their address at meetthepresidentinbrussels@gmail.com.
In many instances, President Kagame creates time within a busy schedule to meet Rwandan Diaspora when he travels for important meetings in America, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.
Rwandans in Belgium last met President Kagame in December 2010 during the fifth edition of the European Development Days.
He addressed nearly 2700 Rwandans and friends of Rwanda from several European cities in Brussels at a festive gathering.
He told them that despite living far away from their home country, Rwanda belongs to all of them including those back home. He asked them to protect Rwandan values.
“As Rwandans we have to believe in our own worth, and not expect to get this as a gift from someone else. People who do not value themselves cannot achieve development – we have seen this in the past in our country and on our continent,” the president said.