Rwandan women represent 51.8% of total population.
When Rwanda’s highest decision making organ – the Cabinet convenes to discuss important policies, women are also involved. Of the 33 cabinet members, 11 are women.
Rwandan women also control the country’s legislature composed of 106 members combining both the lower chamber and senate – 55.6% are women. However, critics argue that the country’s women in leadership have less impact.
But several local and global surveys indicate the country is where work, life, and health conditions for women are the best. The country’s women constitute more than half (51.8%) of the total population(11,262,564 ).
As the world celebrates International Women’s Day today, Celebrations in the country are being held in Nyabihu district, Shyira sector where the First Lady Jeannette Kagame is officiating at the event.
In the statistics compiled by KT Press, the stake of Rwandan women in management of the country has been widening in all sectors for the past 23 years.
This year, International women Day is celebrated under the theme: ‘Be Bold for Change’. The significance of this global holiday is to recognize women’s achievements and to encourage gender parity.
Below are some statistics on Rwanda women;