Girls have outshined boys in Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) during the 2015 National Examination.
DivinDushimimanaLionele from Bugesera district came on top of the 32 best candidates in PLE, and he was followed by Audrey Divine of Kicukiro district, scoring the highest rank (excellent with 5 aggregates).
This category includes 18 best female students and 14 male best students.
Of the 160,357 students who registered for PLE 136,007 sat the exams and 132,698 students, corresponding to 84.5% passed, including 54.67% girls and 45.33% boys.
The passing girls outnumbering boys is obvious, because the total number of girl candidates who sat is 10% greater than the number of boys.
The passing note is included between 5 to 41 aggregates, meaning that the best students got 5 aggregates.
Kigali City districts, including Gasabo, Nyarugenge and Kicukiro are dominating the list of best students, which means that a number of private schools in Kigali might be graduating students with high scores.
However, other districts from upcountry, including Bugesera, Muhanga and Kirehe are on this list.
The Ministry has declined to announce the best schools, “to avoid biased reporting.”
For the O-Level, two girls came on the top of 23 best students. They are BeliseMbabazi from Nyanza district and KangwagyeTetaSheilla, daughter to mayor Kangwagye Justus from Gasabo district.
“I am happy that my daughter made it thanks to a good follow up by both the family and her teachers,”Kangwagye tells KT Press.
Her daughter studies at Maranyundo High school in Bugesera district.
The passing note was included between 8 aggregates, which the highest and 69 aggregate, the lowest.

JanvierGasana(Right), Director General of Rwanda Education Board(REB)hands the examination results envelope to Olivier Rwamukwaya State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education
In this category of O-Level best students, 11 candidates are girls, while 12 are boys.
In O-Level, 88,426 students registered, and 86,461 sat the exams.
Of this number, 74,851 students passed, with girls representing 51.70% compared to 48.30% boys.
Rwamukwaya however admits, “The general number of students passing is improving in both boys and girls.”
Meanwhile, the best 23 candidates of O-Level come from across the country, Gasabo, Nyarugenge, Nyagatare, Nyamasheke, Huye, Rwamagana and Karongidsitricts.
This means that schools in the countryside could have scored higher than those in the cities, as they did in previous years.
KT Press will investigate the list of best schools in the next story.
In these exams, strangely, “some students wrote to the examination paper and pleaded invigilators to kindly correct them with sympathy,” said Rwamukwaya.
Candidates can go on and check their examination results today.
Others can write P6 plus their registration number and send an SMS to 489 to check their results in PLE.
For O-Level, they can also write S3 plus their registration number and and SMS to 489.
District education officers will pick examination results envelops this Friday.
“Student caught in malpractice will see no examination results. An SMS will tell them: Punished for examination malpractices,” says Emmanuel Muvunyi in charge of Examination at Rwanda Education Board.